Yuliy Vasilev Commercial & Industrial Photographer Plovdiv Plovdiv |
Plovdiv | SICIP Member | Wednesday 13th November 2024 |
Members News Monthly Image Competition is now openThe competition can be found here: https://thesocieties.net/competition/ Login details can be found on our Forum however you must be a registered member to read the majority of the posting https://thesocieties.net/forum/ PlovdivYuliy VasilevYuliy Vasilev Photography Plovdiv Plovdiv Bulgaria web address:- yuliyvasilev.wix.com/tales/ facebook:- Yuliy Vasilev Photography Instagram:- yuliy.vasilev Yuliy is an urban and culinary photographer, born in 1985 in Bulgaria. He was very keen on travelling and discovering new places and cultures, which led him to study in the field of hospitality. He is the holder of a Master's degree in Business Management p More Photographers in Bulgaria